can't load new puzzles from NY Times premium subscription (Nook Color app)

Rachel's Avatar


22 Dec, 2012 12:37 AM

I have a subscription to NY Times premium crosswords, but I am suddenly unable to download any new puzzles to the app on my Nook Color. I'm logged in ok, and when I go to the calendar & tap on a day, it appears as if it's downloading, but then no new puzzles show up in my list.

About a week and a half ago I started having another problem, which I attempted to get solved on another message board. But that problem was never fixed, and I'm wondering if it's related to my current question, as this is the first time I've attempted to download new puzzles since the other problem began. (I was downloading puzzles just fine prior to this other problem which I'm about to describe). Here's the other problem: I'm suddenly getting a pop-up window every time I try to use the crossword app on my Nook Color. The window says "Unable to purchase. Please enable wi-fi and connect to an access point to continue". This window appears when I'm on the page with the list of all my crosswords.

I don't know where this came from, as I wasn't attempting to purchase anything, this just started out of the blue. I try to close it, but it just pops right back up again. I tried connecting to wi-fi to see if it would complete whatever it was attempting to do & then go away, but no luck. It goes away while I'm connected to wi-fi, but once I disconnect, it comes right back.

Right before this problem began, I'd recently updated the app after ignoring the update for a long time. So the problem seems to be related to the update.

Please help me, as it's very frustrating to have paid for this app AND the NY Times crossword subscription (which I bought solely to use with this app), and then have it be completely unusable. Thank you.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by SAI Technical S... on 22 Dec, 2012 02:52 AM

    SAI Technical Support's Avatar

    The New York Times server is currently over-throttling login requests, which is causing intermittent NYT puzzle download problems for some users. Hopefully they'll adjust their server accordingly soon but, for now, we suggest that you wait a few minutes and try again later. Our apologies for the inconvenience!

  2. SAI Technical Support closed this discussion on 22 Dec, 2012 02:52 AM.

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