Recognition of multiple letters in one box in NYT crossword--not acknowledging the puzzle as 'solved'
I just bought your app last week to go along with my NYT crossword
subscription. The app is great generally. Yesterday, however, there
was a glitch. The NTY puzzle was "State Quarters"-- a very clever
puzzle which required multiple letters to be entered in many
squares. I could enter them no problem, and solved the puzzle.
However, the app reads those squares as errors, and clears them
when given the 'clear all errors' command. This is the first puzzle
I've worked with multiple letters, so I'm not sure if this is a
global issue, or just something about the way the correct answer
template for that puzzle was received. Can you look into it and let
me know. Being able to work these kinds of puzzles on the app is
one of the main reasons I went with it, so it will be very
disappointing if it can't check the puzzles with those multi-letter
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Support Staff 1 Posted by SAI Technical S... on 29 May, 2012 03:48 AM
Yes, Crosswords is able to handle puzzles with rebus answers/multiple letters. However, due to a problem parsing the Across Lite file that the New York Times posted, if you downloaded the puzzle prior to approximately 11am CST on Sunday morning, then the rebus answers weren't downloaded with the rest of the puzzle. We quickly fixed the issue, and any users that downloaded the puzzle after 11am received the puzzle with the complete rebus answer set.
If you'd like to re-download the proper puzzle, you can do so by deleting it and then tapping on the '+' button on the puzzle list screen, then tap-and-hold Sunday's date until you receive the re-download prompt. Unfortunately, unless you sync your puzzle progress to our server, your prior progress will not be retained. Our apologies for the inconvenience!
SAI Technical Support closed this discussion on 29 May, 2012 03:48 AM.