AutoSlate Replacement.
I see a post about not porting AutoSlate to Android. If I may ask, why is that. PALM IS DEAD. we were loyal and love your product. Android is where most die hard palm enthuses have migrated to. Is there another product with the features of autoslate, is it even possible to port to Android. Do you know of a product to use in place of autoslate? I own big truck the abillity to easly track expences and maint, trip logs is in valuable. Still counting on you guys.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by SAI Technical S... on 08 Sep, 2012 03:54 AM
Unfortunately we do not know of another Android app that has features similar to Auto Slate and, sadly, we still have no immediate plans to port Auto Slate to any other devices. Sorry!
SAI Technical Support closed this discussion on 08 Sep, 2012 03:54 AM.