Why Can't I Download NY Times Puzzles?
Unfortunately the NY Times has requested that we remove authenticated access to their puzzles from our apps, and we're in the process of removing them from our provider lists. While we regret this recent development, you can still play their daily puzzle in our iOS and macOS apps by following the instructions provided below:
Open your device's web browser and access https://nytimes.com/crosswords. If you haven't logged in using your premium crosswords subscription credentials, please do so.
Select the puzzle you'd like to play.
Tap or click on the down arrow icon to download that puzzle's AcrossLite file.
If you're playing on an iOS or Android device, you should be prompted to import the puzzle into your Crosswords app. If you're playing puzzles via Crosswords for Mac, simply double-click on the downloaded AcrossLite file to play it.
If you're using our Android app, we're currently improving our Crosswords for Android app to allow for importing daily NYT puzzles via the device's browser.
As the NY Times Mini puzzle has no AcrossLite download option, we're no longer able to accommodate those puzzles.
If you have any feedback regarding these new restrictions, we suggest contacting the NY Times via Customer Care at: http://www.nytimes.com/help/index.html?redir=myacc